Christian Masson

Genie Mecanique Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada) 
Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science
"Christian Masson"
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Garza VGM, Sumner J, Nathan J, et al. (2020) Evaluating the Accuracy of RANS Wind Flow Modeling Over Forested Terrain. Part 2: Impact on Capacity Factor for Moderately Complex Topography Journal of Solar Energy Engineering-Transactions of the Asme. 142
Garza VGM, Sumner J, Nathan J, et al. (2019) Evaluating the accuracy of RANS wind flow modeling over forested terrain - Part 1: canopy model validation Journal of Solar Energy Engineering-Transactions of the Asme. 141: 41009
Olivares-Espinosa H, Breton S, Nilsson K, et al. (2018) Assessment of turbulence modelling in the wake of an actuator disk with a decaying turbulence inflow Applied Sciences. 8: 1530
Tata M, Smaili A, Masson C. (2018) Effect of grid topology on numerical simulations of flow fields around wind turbine nacelle anemometer Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics. 11: 1569-1578
Bouhelal A, Smaili A, Guerri O, et al. (2018) Numerical investigation of turbulent flow around a recent horizontal axis wind Turbine using low and high Reynolds models Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics. 11: 151-164
Zergane S, Smaili A, Masson C. (2018) Optimization of wind turbine placement in a wind farm using a new pseudo-random number generation method Renewable Energy. 125: 166-171
Cambron P, Masson C, Tahan A, et al. (2018) Control chart monitoring of wind turbine generators using the statistical inertia of a wind farm average Renewable Energy. 116: 88-98
Cambron P, Tahan A, Masson C, et al. (2017) Bearing temperature monitoring of a Wind Turbine using physics-based model Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering. 23: 479-488
Fakorede O, Feger Z, Ibrahim H, et al. (2016) Ice protection systems for wind turbines in cold climate: characteristics, comparisons and analysis Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 65: 662-675
Cambron P, Lepvrier R, Masson C, et al. (2016) Power curve monitoring using weighted moving average control charts Renewable Energy. 94: 126-135
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