Atousa Pahlevan, Ph.D.

2013 University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada 
Computer Science
"Atousa Pahlevan"


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Hausi A. Mueller grad student 2013 University of Victoria
 (Dynamic web service discovery.)
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Pahlevan A, Duprat JL, Thomo A, et al. (2015) Dynamis: Effective context-aware web service selection using dynamic attributes Future Internet. 7: 110-139
Anisetti M, Ardagna CA, Damiani E, et al. (2012) Web Service Assurance: The Notion and the Issues Future Internet. 4: 92-109
Pahlevan A, Chester S, Thomo A, et al. (2011) On supporting dynamic web service selection with histogramming 2011 International Workshop On the Maintenance and Evolution of Service-Oriented and Cloud-Based Systems, Mesoca 2011
Pahlevan A, Müller HA. (2009) Static-discovery dynamic-selection (SDDS) approach to web service discovery Services 2009 - 5th 2009 World Congress On Services. 769-772
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