Gongyuan Qu, Ph.D.

2002 Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA, United States 
Computer Science, Industrial Engineering
"Gongyuan Qu"


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Sally L. Wood grad student 2002 Santa Clara University
 (Directional morphological gradient edge detector.)
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Qu G, Wood SL, Teh C. (2002) Wafer defect detection using directional morphological gradient techniques Eurasip Journal On Applied Signal Processing. 2002: 686-703
Wood SL, Qu G. (2000) A modified gray level morphological gradient with accurate orientation estimates and reduced noise sensitivity Conference Record of the Asilomar Conference On Signals, Systems and Computers. 2: 926-929
Qu G, Wood SL. (2000) Performance of a modified gray level morphological gradient with low sensitivity to threshold values and noise Conference Record of the Asilomar Conference On Signals, Systems and Computers. 2: 931-935
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