Vasu D. Chakravarthy, Ph.D.

2008 Wright State University, Fairborn, OH, United States 
Computer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering
"Vasu Chakravarthy"


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Arnab K. Shaw grad student 2008 Wright State University
 (Evaluation of overlay/underlay waveform via SD-SMSE framework for enhancing spectrum efficiency.)
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Ma Y, Dehnie S, Chakravarthy VD. (2015) On the Near-Optimality of Training-Based GLRT Spectrum Sensing Ieee Transactions On Wireless Communications. 14: 4894-4906
Li X, Hong S, Chakravarthy VD, et al. (2013) Intercarrier interference immune single carrier OFDM via magnitude-keyed modulation for high speed aerial vehicle communication Ieee Transactions On Communications. 61: 658-668
Wei S, Kannan R, Chakravarthy V, et al. (2012) CSI usage over parallel fading channels under Jamming attacks: A game theory study Ieee Transactions On Communications. 60: 1167-1175
Li X, Wu Z, Chakravarthy VD. (2011) A low-complexity approximation to lognormal sum distributions via transformed log skew normal distribution Ieee Transactions On Vehicular Technology. 60: 4040-4045
Li X, Chakravarthy VD, Wang B, et al. (2011) Spreading Code Design of Adaptive Non-Contiguous SOFDM for Dynamic Spectrum Access Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. 5: 190-196
Zhou R, Li X, Chakravarthy V, et al. (2010) Software defined radio based multi-carrier multi-function waveform for cognitive radio Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 7707
Walter D, Klein J, Kaupert J, et al. (2010) Multiple UAV tomography based geolocation of RF emitters Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 7707
Kannan R, Wei S, Chakravarthy V, et al. (2010) Approximation algorithms for minimum energy transmission scheduling in rate and duty-cycle constrained wireless networks Ieee/Acm Transactions On Networking. 18: 296-306
Chakravarthy V, Li X, Zhou R, et al. (2010) Novel overlay/underlay cognitive radio waveforms using SD-SMSE framework to enhance spectrum efficiency'part II: Analysis in fading channels Ieee Transactions On Communications. 58: 1868-1876
Like E, Chakravarthy VD, Ratazzi P, et al. (2009) Signal classification in fading channels using cyclic spectral analysis Eurasip Journal On Wireless Communications and Networking. 2009: 29
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