Nava Tintarev

Delft University of Technology, Delft, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands 
Human-computer Interaction, Explanations, Recommender Systems
"Nava Tintarev"


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Judith Masthoff grad student University of Aberdeen, UK
 (First PhD advisor)
Ehud Reiter grad student 2006-2010 University of Aberdeen, UK
 (Second PhD advisor)
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Inel O, Duricic T, Kaur H, et al. (2021) Design Implications for Explanations: A Case Study on Supporting Reflective Assessment of Potentially Misleading Videos. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. 4: 712072
Arts K, Melero Y, Webster G, et al. (2020) On the merits and pitfalls of introducing a digital platform to aid conservation management: Volunteer data submission and the mediating role of volunteer coordinators. Journal of Environmental Management. 265: 110497
Kovalenko V, Tintarev N, Pasynkov E, et al. (2020) Does Reviewer Recommendation Help Developers Ieee Transactions On Software Engineering. 46: 710-731
Jin Y, Tintarev N, Htun NN, et al. (2020) Effects of personal characteristics in control-oriented user interfaces for music recommender systems User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction. 30: 199-249
Smith KA, Dennis M, Masthoff J, et al. (2019) A methodology for creating and validating psychological stories for conveying and measuring psychological traits. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction. 29: 573-618
Tintarev N, Masthoff J. (2016) Effects of Individual Differences in Working Memory on Plan Presentational Choices. Frontiers in Psychology. 7: 1793
Tintarev N, O'donovan J, Felfernig A. (2016) Introduction to the Special Issue on Human Interaction with Artificial Advice Givers Acm Transactions On Interactive Intelligent Systems. 6: 1-12
Tintarev N, Reiter E, Black R, et al. (2016) Personal storytelling: Using Natural Language Generation for children with complex communication needs, in the wild… International Journal of Human-Computer Studies \/ International Journal of Man-Machine Studies. 92: 1-16
Smith KA, Masthoff J, Tintarev N, et al. (2014) The development and evaluation of an emotional support algorithm for carers Intelligenza Artificiale. 8: 181-196
Tintarev N, Masthoff J. (2012) Evaluating the effectiveness of explanations for recommender systems User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction. 22: 399-439
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