Joachim Hirschler

Grenoble 1 
"Joachim Hirschler"


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Juan-carlos Fontecilla-camps grad student 1997 Grenoble 1
 (Influence des impuretes sur la cristallisation d'une proteine modele dans differents milieux)
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Wagner K, Hirschler J, Egert E. (2001) Structure solution with PATSEE Zeitschrift FüR Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials. 216
Hirschler J, Halgand F, Forest E, et al. (1998) Contaminant inclusion into protein crystals analyzed by electrospray mass spectrometry and X-ray crystallography. Protein Science : a Publication of the Protein Society. 7: 185-92
Hirschler J, Fontecilla-Camps JC. (1997) Protein crystal growth rates are face-specifically modified by structurally related contaminants Journal of Crystal Growth. 171: 559-565
Hirschler J, Fontecilla-Camps JC. (1996) Contaminant effects on protein crystal morphology in different growth environments. Acta Crystallographica. Section D, Biological Crystallography. 52: 806-12
Hirschler J, Charon MH, Fontecilla-Camps JC. (1995) The effects of filtration on protein nucleation in different growth media. Protein Science : a Publication of the Protein Society. 4: 2573-7
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