Mathilde Gendrin

UPMC Univ Paris 6, France 
"Mathilde Gendrin"


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Bruno Lemaitre grad student 2010 UPMC Univ Paris 6 (FlyTree)
 (Articulations entre réponses locale et systémique dans les défenses antibactériennes de la Drosophile)
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Romoli O, Schönbeck JC, Hapfelmeier S, et al. (2021) Production of germ-free mosquitoes via transient colonisation allows stage-specific investigation of host-microbiota interactions. Nature Communications. 12: 942
Chabanol E, Behrends V, Prévot G, et al. (2020) Antibiotic Treatment in Affects Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism. Pathogens (Basel, Switzerland). 9
Rodgers FH, Cai JA, Pitaluga AN, et al. (2019) Functional analysis of the three major PGRPLC isoforms in the midgut of the malaria mosquito Anopheles coluzzii. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 103288
Heu K, Gendrin M. (2018) [Mosquito microbiota and its influence on disease vectorial transmission]. Biologie Aujourd'Hui. 212: 119-136
Romoli O, Gendrin M. (2018) The tripartite interactions between the mosquito, its microbiota and Plasmodium. Parasites & Vectors. 11: 200
Gendrin M. (2017) A Swiss Army Knife to Cut Malaria Transmission. Cell Host & Microbe. 22: 577-579
Rodgers FH, Gendrin M, Wyer CAS, et al. (2017) Microbiota-induced peritrophic matrix regulates midgut homeostasis and prevents systemic infection of malaria vector mosquitoes. Plos Pathogens. 13: e1006391
Gendrin M, Turlure F, Rodgers FH, et al. (2017) The Peptidoglycan Recognition Proteins PGRPLA and PGRPLB Regulate Anopheles Immunity to Bacteria and Affect Infection by Plasmodium. Journal of Innate Immunity
Linenberg I, Christophides GK, Gendrin M. (2016) Larval diet affects mosquito development and permissiveness to Plasmodium infection. Scientific Reports. 6: 38230
Gendrin M, Yerbanga RS, Ouedraogo JB, et al. (2016) Differential Effects of Azithromycin, Doxycycline, and Cotrimoxazole in Ingested Blood on the Vectorial Capacity of Malaria Mosquitoes. Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 3: ofw074
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