Laurel Hiebert

2015-2019 Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology UCSB, 
"Laurel Hiebert"
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Hiebert LS, Scelzo M, Alié A, et al. (2022) Comparing dormancy in two distantly related tunicates reveals morphological, molecular, and ecological convergences and repeated co-option. Scientific Reports. 12: 12620
Nourizadeh S, Kassmer S, Rodriguez D, et al. (2021) Whole body regeneration and developmental competition in two botryllid ascidians. Evodevo. 12: 15
Hiebert LS, Vieira LM, Tiozzo S, et al. (2021) From the individual to the colony: Marine invertebrates as models to understand levels of biological organization. Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part B, Molecular and Developmental Evolution
Wu L, Hiebert LS, Klann M, et al. (2020) Genes with spiralian-specific protein motifs are expressed in spiralian ciliary bands. Nature Communications. 11: 4171
Hiebert LS, Simpson C, Tiozzo S. (2020) Coloniality, clonality, and modularity in animals: The elephant in the room. Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part B, Molecular and Developmental Evolution
Alié A, Hiebert LS, Scelzo M, et al. (2020) The eventful history of nonembryonic development in tunicates. Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part B, Molecular and Developmental Evolution. 336: 250-266
Jiménez-Merino J, Santos de Abreu I, Hiebert LS, et al. (2019) Putative stem cells in the hemolymph and in the intestinal submucosa of the solitary ascidian . Evodevo. 10: 31
Scelzo M, Alié A, Pagnotta S, et al. (2019) Novel budding mode in : a model for comparative studies on asexual development and whole body regeneration. Evodevo. 10: 7
Hiebert LS, Vieira EA, Dias GM, et al. (2019) Colonial ascidians strongly preyed upon, yet dominate the substrate in a subtropical fouling community. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 286: 20190396
Alié A, Hiebert LS, Simion P, et al. (2018) Convergent acquisition of non-embryonic development in styelid ascidians. Molecular Biology and Evolution
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