Patrick Kline

Economics University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
"Patrick Kline"
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Kline P, Petkova N, Williams H, et al. (2019) WHO PROFITS FROM PATENTS? RENT-SHARING AT INNOVATIVE FIRMS. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 134: 1343-1404
Kline P, Saggio R, Sølvsten M. (2019) Leave-out Estimation of Variance Components National Bureau of Economic Research
Card D, Cardoso AR, Heining J, et al. (2018) Firms and Labor Market Inequality: Evidence and Some Theory Journal of Labor Economics. 36: 13-70
Kline P, Tartari M. (2016) Bounding the labor supply responses to a randomized welfare experiment: A revealed preference approach American Economic Review. 106: 972-1014
Kline P, Walters CR. (2016) Evaluating Public Programs with Close Substitutes: The Case of Head Start Quarterly Journal of Economics. 131: 1795-1848
Card D, Cardoso AR, Kline P. (2016) Bargaining, Sorting, and the Gender Wage Gap: Quantifying the Impact of Firms on the Relative Pay of Women Quarterly Journal of Economics. 131: 633-686
Kline P, Moretti E. (2014) People, places, and public policy: Some simple welfare economics of local economic development programs Annual Review of Economics. 6: 629-662
Chetty R, Hendren N, Kline P, et al. (2014) Where is the Land of Opportunity? The Geography of Intergenerational Mobility in the United States* Quarterly Journal of Economics. 129: 1553-1623
Kline P, Santos A. (2013) Sensitivity to missing data assumptions: Theory and an evaluation of the U.S. wage structure Quantitative Economics. 4: 231-267
Kline P, Moretti E. (2013) Place based policies with unemployment American Economic Review. 103: 238-243
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