John C. Bluedorn, Ph.D.

2003 University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
"John Bluedorn"


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David H. Romer grad student 2003 UC Berkeley
 (Essays in international economics and development.)
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Anderson HP, Bluedorn JC. (2017) Reprint of: Stopping contagion with bailouts: Micro-evidence from Pennsylvania bank networks during the panic of 1884 Journal of Banking and Finance. 76: 139-149
Bluedorn JC, Decressin J, Terrones ME. (2016) Do asset price drops foreshadow recessions? International Journal of Forecasting. 32: 518-526
Bluedorn JC, Bowdler C, Koch C. (2015) Heterogeneous Bank Lending Responses to Monetary Policy: New Evidence from a Real-Time Identification International Journal of Central Banking. 13: 95-149
Abiad A, Bluedorn J, Guajardo J, et al. (2015) The Rising Resilience of Emerging Market and Developing Economies World Development. 72: 1-26
Almansour A, Aslam A, Bluedorn J, et al. (2015) How vulnerable are emerging markets to external shocks? Journal of Policy Modeling. 37: 460-483
Bluedorn J, Duttagupta R, Guajardo J, et al. (2014) What underlies the recent growth comeback in developing economies? Journal of Policy Modeling. 36: 717-744
Bluedorn JC, Leigh D. (2011) Revisiting the Twin Deficits Hypothesis: The Effect of Fiscal Consolidation on the Current Account Imf Economic Review. 59: 582-602
Bluedorn JC, Bowdler C. (2011) The open economy consequences of U.S. monetary policy Journal of International Money and Finance. 30: 309-336
Bluedorn JC, Bowdler C. (2010) The empirics of international monetary transmission: Identification and the impossible trinity Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 42: 679-713
Bluedorn JC. (2001) Can democracy help? Growth and ethnic divisions Economics Letters. 70: 121-126
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