Younghwan In, Ph.D.

2001 Brown University, Providence, RI 
Economic Theory, Game Theory
"Younghwan In"


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Roberto Serrano grad student 2001 Brown
 (Essays on bargaining.)
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In Y, Wright J. (2017) Signaling Private Choices The Review of Economic Studies. 85: 558-580
In Y. (2006) A Note on Multi-Issue Bargaining with a Finite Set of Alternatives International Journal of Game Theory. 34: 79-90
In Y, Serrano R. (2004) Agenda Restrictions in Multi-Issue Bargaining Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 53: 385-399
In Y, Serrano R. (2003) Agenda restrictions in multi-issue bargaining (II): unrestricted agendas Economics Letters. 79: 325-331
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