Robert A. Margo

1991-2005 Economics Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 
 2005- Economics Boston University, Boston, MA, United States 
Economic History, Labor Economics
"Robert Margo"
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Boustan LP, Margo RA, Miller MM, et al. (2019) Does Condominium Development Lead to Gentrification National Bureau of Economic Research
Margo RA. (2018) The integration of economic history into economics Cliometrica. 12: 377-406
Atack J, Margo RA. (2017) Gallman revisited: blacksmithing and American manufacturing, 1850–1870 Cliometrica. 13: 1-23
Margo RA. (2016) Obama, Katrina, and the Persistence of Racial Inequality The Journal of Economic History. 76: 301-341
Margo RA. (2013) Sharing the Prize: The Economics of the Civil Rights Revolution in the American South. By Gavin Wright. Cambridge: Belknap Press. 2013. Pp. 368. $35.00, hardcover. The Journal of Economic History. 73: 1180-1181
Costa D, Goldin C, Margo RA. (2013) In Memorium: Robert W. Fogel The Journal of Economic History. 73: 1164-1167
Boustan LP, Margo RA. (2013) A silver lining to white flight? White suburbanization and African-American homeownership, 1940-1980 Journal of Urban Economics. 78: 71-80
Atack J, Margo RA. (2011) The Impact of Access to Rail Transportation on Agricultural Improvement: The American Midwest as a Test Case, 1850-1860 Journal of Transport and Land Use. 4
Collins WJ, Margo RA. (2011) Race and home ownership from the end of the civil war to the present American Economic Review. 101: 355-359
Margo RA. (2011) The economic history of the American economic review: A century's explosion of economics research American Economic Review. 101: 9-35
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