Craig A. Bond

Agriculture & Resource Economics Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 
Environmental Economics, Agricultural Economics
"Craig Bond"
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Hansen K, Duke E, Bond C, et al. (2018) Rancher Preferences for a Payment for Ecosystem Services Program in Southwestern Wyoming Ecological Economics. 146: 240-249
Bond CA. (2017) Valuing Coastal Natural Capital in a Bioeconomic Framework Water Economics and Policy. 3: 1-26
Greenfield VA, Bond CA, Crane K. (2017) A household model of opium-poppy cultivation in Afghanistan Journal of Policy Modeling. 39: 741-761
Meldrum JR, Champ PA, Bond CA. (2013) Heterogeneous nonmarket benefits of managing white pine bluster rust in high-elevation pine forests Journal of Forest Economics. 19: 61-77
Costanigro M, Bond CA, Mccluskey JJ. (2012) Reputation Leaders, Quality Laggards: Incentive Structure in Markets with Both Private and Collective Reputations Journal of Agricultural Economics. 63: 245-264
Deisenroth DB, Bond CA, Loomis JB. (2012) The economic contribution of the private, recreation-based aquaculture industry in the western United States Aquaculture Economics and Management. 16: 1-21
Bond CA, Hoag DL, Freeborn J. (2011) Are Agricultural PACs Monolithic? An Empirical Investigation of Political Contributions from Agricultural Subsectors American Journal of Economics and Sociology. 70: 210-237
Bond CA. (2010) On the potential use of adaptive control methods for improving adaptive natural resource management Optimal Control Applications and Methods. 31: 55-66
Deisenroth D, Loomis J, Bond C. (2009) Non-market valuation of off-highway vehicle recreation in Larimer County, Colorado: Implications of trail closures. Journal of Environmental Management. 90: 3490-7
Bond CA, Loomis JB. (2009) Using numerical dynamic programming to compare passive and active learning in the adaptive management of nutrients in shallow lakes Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 57: 555-573
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