Gayle L. DeLong
Affiliations: | Economics | City University of New York, New York, NY, United States |
Finance, Banking Business AdministrationGoogle:
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DeLong G. (2019) Letters to the editor; Response to: a possible spurious correlation between human papillomavirus vaccination introduction and birth rate change in the United States Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics. 15: 2503-2504 |
DeLong G. (2018) A lowered probability of pregnancy in females in the USA aged 25–29 who received a human papillomavirus vaccine injection Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 81: 661-674 |
DeLong G. (2018) Is “Delitigation” Associated with a Change in Product Safety? The Case of Vaccines Review of Industrial Organization. 52: 1-53 |
DeLong G. (2017) Can ‘delitigation’ transform an industry? The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. 67: 245-254 |
DeLong G. (2012) Conflicts of interest in vaccine safety research. Accountability in Research. 19: 65-88 |
Buch CM, Delong GL. (2012) Banking Globalization: International Consolidation and Mergers in Banking The Oxford Handbook of Banking |
Delong G. (2011) A positive association found between autism prevalence and childhood vaccination uptake across the U.S. population. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part A. 74: 903-16 |
DeLong G, Saunders A. (2011) Did the introduction of fixed-rate federal deposit insurance increase long-term bank risk-taking? Journal of Financial Stability. 7: 19-25 |
Buch CM, DeLong G. (2008) Do weak supervisory systems encourage bank risk-taking? Journal of Financial Stability. 4: 23-39 |
DeLong GL, DeYoung R. (2007) Learning by Observing: Information Spillovers in the Execution and Valuation of Commercial Bank M&As Journal of Finance. 62: 181-216 |