Gunseli Berik

Economics University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 
General Economics, Gender Studies, European Studies
"Gunseli Berik"
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Berik G, Bhattacharya H, Singh TP, et al. (2024) Men's perspectives on public-space sexual harassment of women in South Asia. Global Public Health. 19: 2380845
Berik G. (2018) To Measure and to Narrate: Paths Toward a Sustainable Future Feminist Economics. 24: 136-159
Berik G. (2017) Efficiency arguments for gender equality: an introduction Canadian Journal of Development Studies. 38: 542-546
Berik G. (2017) Beyond the rhetoric of gender equality at the World Bank and the IMF Canadian Journal of Development Studies. 38: 564-569
Berik G. (2017) Revisiting the Feminist Debates on International Labor Standards in the Aftermath of Rana Plaza Studies in Comparative International Development. 52: 193-216
Berik G. (2016) Women and Austerity: The Economic Crisis and the Future for Gender Equality Feminist Economics. 22: 196-201
Bagstad KJ, Berik G, Gaddis EJB. (2014) Methodological developments in US state-level Genuine Progress Indicators: Toward GPI 2.0 Ecological Indicators. 45: 474-485
Berik G, Kongar E. (2013) Time Allocation of Married Mothers and Fathers in Hard Times: The 2007-09 US Recession Feminist Economics. 19: 208-237
Berik G, van der Meulen Rodgers Y. (2012) What's macroeconomic policy got to do with gender inequality? Evidence from Asia Global Social Policy. 12: 183-189
Berik G, Bilginsoy C, Williams LS. (2011) Gender and racial training gaps in oregon apprenticeship programs Labor Studies Journal. 36: 221-244
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