Andrew W. Horowitz

Economics University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR 
General Economics
"Andrew Horowitz"
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Civelli A, Horowitz A, Teixeira A. (2018) Foreign aid and growth: A Sp P-VAR analysis using satellite sub-national data for Uganda Journal of Development Economics. 134: 50-67
Farmer A, Horowitz AW. (2015) Same-sex relationship escalation with uncertain marriage legality: Theory and empirical implications Southern Economic Journal. 81: 995-1011
Farmer A, Horowitz AW. (2014) Strategic non-marital cohabitation: theory and empirical implications Journal of Population Economics
Farmer A, Horowitz AW. (2013) Prostitutes, pimps, and brothels: Intermediaries, information, and market structure in prostitution markets Southern Economic Journal. 79: 513-528
Horowitz AW, Souza AP. (2011) The impact of parental income on the intra-household distribution of school attainment. A measurement strategy and evidence Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. 51: 1-18
Driskill R, Horowitz AW, Méndez F. (2009) Hierarchical human capital and economic growth: Theory and evidence Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics. 165: 723-743
Horowitz AW, Lee J, Trivitt JR. (2009) Household-level education borrowing constraints: Evidence using the college attendance of the sisters of vietnam draft avoiders Journal of Human Capital. 3: 197-223
Driskill R, Horowitz AW. (2007) The Pollution Haven Paradox: Can an Effluent Tax Improve both Profits and Welfare? B E Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy. 7: 1-18
Balboa O, Driskill R, Horowitz A. (2007) The Time-Consistent Optimal Export Policy, Market Structure, and Time-Non-Separable Preferences Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics. 14: 293-314
Horowitz AW, Wang J. (2004) Favorite son? Specialized child laborers and students in poor LDC households Journal of Development Economics. 73: 631-642
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