Melony E. Sorbero, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2001 | University of Rochester, Rochester, NY |
Health Care Management, Public Health, Commerce-Business EconomicsGoogle:
"Melony Sorbero"Cross-listing: PHTree
Sign in to add mentorJack Zwanziger | grad student | 2001 | Rochester | |
(Do capitated primary care physicians "encourage" their high utilization patients to leave their practice?) |
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Gold HT, Sorbero ME, Griggs JJ, et al. (2011) Structural estimates of treatment effects on outcomes using retrospective data: an application to ductal carcinoma in situ. Medical Care Research and Review : McRr. 68: 627-49 |
Griggs JJ, Sorbero ME, Ahrendt GM, et al. (2009) The pen and the scalpel: effect of diffusion of information on nonclinical variations in surgical treatment. Medical Care. 47: 749-57 |
Sorbero ME, Dick AW, Zwanziger J, et al. (2003) The effect of capitation on switching primary care physicians. Health Services Research. 38: 191-209 |
Franks P, Mooney C, Sorbero M. (2000) Physician referral rates: style without much substance? Medical Care. 38: 836-846 |
Franks P, Williams GC, Zwanziger J, et al. (2000) Why do physicians vary so widely in their referral rates? Journal of General Internal Medicine. 15: 163-8 |