Pamela F. Short

Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
Health Care Management, Labor Economics
"Pamela Short"
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Verevkina NI, Short PF, Yang TC, et al. (2019) Analyzing Hospital Choices of Colon Cancer Patients in Four States in Appalachia. Journal of Health Care For the Poor and Underserved. 30: 587-608
Short PF, Moran JR, Yang TC, et al. (2015) Effects of Hospital Type and Distance on Lymph Node Assessment for Colon Cancer Among Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Patients in Appalachia. Medical Care Research and Review : McRr
Swartz K, Short PF, Graefe DR, et al. (2015) Reducing Medicaid Churning: Extending Eligibility For Twelve Months Or To End Of Calendar Year Is Most Effective. Health Affairs (Project Hope). 34: 1180-7
Mackley HB, Teslova T, Camacho F, et al. (2014) Does rurality influence treatment decisions in early stage laryngeal cancer? The Journal of Rural Health : Official Journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care Association. 30: 406-11
Moran JR, Short PF. (2014) Does cancer reduce labor market entry? Evidence for prime-age females. Medical Care Research and Review : McRr. 71: 224-42
Robin Yabroff K, Short PF, Machlin S, et al. (2013) Access to preventive health care for cancer survivors. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 45: 304-12
Kimmick GG, Camacho F, Kern T, et al. (2013) Predictors of care for early-stage breast cancer in Appalachia. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 31: 6558-6558
Short PF. (2013) Book Review: The Battle over Health Care: What Obama’s Reform Means for America’s Future by Rosemary Gibson and Janardan Prasad Singh Inquiry: the Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing. 50: 159-160
Short PF, Graefe DR, Swartz K, et al. (2012) New estimates of gaps and transitions in health insurance. Medical Care Research and Review : McRr. 69: 721-36
Punekar RS, Short PF, Moran JR. (2012) Use of psychotropic medications by US cancer survivors. Psycho-Oncology. 21: 1237-43
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