Vasiliki Skreta, Ph.D.

2001 University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States 
Theory Economics
"Vasiliki Skreta"


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Masaki Aoyagi grad student 2001 University of Pittsburgh
 (Essays in mechanism and market design.)
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Giacomini R, Skreta V, Turen J. (2020) Heterogeneity, Inattention and Bayesian Updates American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. 12: 282-309
Gaglianone WP, Giacomini R, Issler JV, et al. (2020) Incentive-driven inattention Journal of Econometrics
Koessler F, Skreta V. (2019) Selling with evidence Theoretical Economics. 14: 345-371
Condorelli D, Galeotti A, Skreta V. (2018) Selling Through Referrals Journal of Economics and Management Strategy. 27: 669-685
Koessler F, Skreta V. (2016) Informed seller with taste heterogeneity Journal of Economic Theory. 165: 456-471
Golosov M, Skreta V, Tsyvinski A, et al. (2014) Dynamic strategic information transmission Journal of Economic Theory. 151: 304-341
Skreta V. (2013) Optimal auction design under non-commitment Journal of Economic Theory
Philippon T, Skreta V. (2012) Optimal interventions in markets with adverse selection American Economic Review. 102: 1-28
Figueroa N, Skreta V. (2011) Optimal allocation mechanisms with single-dimensional private information Review of Economic Design. 15: 213-243
Skreta V. (2011) On the informed seller problem: Optimal information disclosure Review of Economic Design. 15: 1-36
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