Matthew T. Billett
Affiliations: | University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA |
Finance, Accounting Business AdministrationGoogle:
"Matthew Billett"Children
Sign in to add traineeJennifer B. Marietta-Westberg | grad student | 2000 | University of Iowa |
Burcu Esmer | grad student | 2011 | University of Iowa |
Miaomiao Yu | grad student | 2012 | University of Iowa |
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Bao MX, Billett MT, Smith DB, et al. (2020) Does Other Comprehensive Income Volatility Influence Credit Risk and the Cost of Debt Contemporary Accounting Research. 37: 457-484 |
Billett MT, Floros IV, Garfinkel JA. (2019) At-the-Market Offerings Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 54: 1263-1283 |
Chen C, Martin X, Roychowdhury S, et al. (2018) Clarity begins at home: Internal information asymmetry and external communication quality The Accounting Review. 93: 71-101 |
Billett MT, Esmer B, Yu M. (2018) Creditor Control and Product-Market Competition Journal of Banking and Finance. 86: 87-100 |
Billett MT, Garfinkel JA, Yu M. (2017) The Effect of Asymmetric Information on Product Market Outcomes Journal of Financial Economics. 123: 357-376 |
Billett MT, Elkamhi R, Popov L, et al. (2016) Bank Skin in the Game and Loan Contract Design: Evidence from Covenant-Lite Loans Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 51: 839-873 |
Billett MT, Yu M. (2016) Asymmetric Information, Financial Reporting, and Open Market Share Repurchases Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 51: 1165-1192 |
Billett MT, Yang K. (2016) Bond tender offers in mergers and acquisitions Journal of Corporate Finance. 40: 128-141 |
Billett MT, Elkamhi R, Floros IV. (2015) The influence of investor identity and contract terms on firm value: Evidence from PIPEs Journal of Financial Intermediation. 24: 564-589 |
Billett MT, Jiang Z, Rego LL. (2014) Glamour brands and glamour stocks Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 107: 744-759 |