William D. Schulze

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
Environmental Sciences, General Economics, Recreation
"William Schulze"


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Leida Y. Mercado grad student 2001 Cornell
David E. Toomey grad student 2005 Cornell
Daniel L. Shawhan grad student 2008 Cornell
Eric P. English grad student 2010 Cornell
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Yan J, Kniffin KM, Kunreuther HC, et al. (2019) The roles of reason and emotion in private and public responses to terrorism Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Kecinski M, Kerley Keisner D, Messer KD, et al. (2016) Stigma mitigation and the importance of redundant treatments Journal of Economic Psychology. 54: 44-52
Shawhan DL, Taber JT, Shi D, et al. (2014) Does a detailed model of the electricity grid matter? Estimating the impacts of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Resource and Energy Economics. 36: 191-207
Keisner DK, Messer KD, Schulze WD, et al. (2013) Testing Social Preferences for an Economic "Bad": An Artefactual Field Experiment Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 115: 27-61
Messer KD, Poe GL, Schulze WD. (2013) The value of private versus public risk and pure altruism: An experimental economics test Applied Economics. 45: 1089-1097
Schulze W, Wansink B. (2012) Toxics, Toyotas, and terrorism: the behavioral economics of fear and stigma. Risk Analysis : An Official Publication of the Society For Risk Analysis. 32: 678-94
Shawhan DL, Messer KD, Schulze WD, et al. (2011) An experimental test of automatic mitigation of wholesale electricity prices International Journal of Industrial Organization. 29: 46-53
Toomey D, Schulze WD, Thomas R, et al. (2010) Efficient Market Design and Public Goods, Part II: Theoretical Results International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems. 11
Toomey D, Schulze WD, Thomas R, et al. (2010) Efficient market design and public goods, part I: Economic models International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems. 11
Kotani K, Messer KD, Schulze WD. (2010) Matching grants and charitable giving: Why people sometimes provide a helping hand to fund environmental goods Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. 39: 324-343
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