Alleah M. Crawford, Ph.D.

2008 Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United States 
Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
"Alleah Crawford"


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Susan S. Hubbard grad student 2008 Auburn University
 (Empowerment and organizational climate: An investigation of mediating effects on the core -self evaluation, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment relationship.)
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Midgett C, Deale CS, Crawford A, et al. (2020) A cross-case analysis of barriers to sustainability in small tourism accommodation enterprises in Dare County, North Carolina: Tourism and Hospitality Research. 20: 144-156
Crawford A. (2018) Application of the EMA Model to Tourism Entrepreneurs: Motivation as a Mediator Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 42: 1254-1273
Lee JJ, Crawford A, Weber MR, et al. (2018) Antecedents of Cultural Intelligence Among American Hospitality Students: Moderating Effect of Ethnocentrism The Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education. 30: 167-183
Wiles A, Crawford A. (2017) Network hospitality in the share economy: Understanding guest experiences and the impact of sharing on lodging International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 29: 2444-2463
Crawford A, Naar J. (2016) A profile of American bed and breakfast entrepreneurs: Bridging the gap to retirement Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism. 15: 103-117
Crawford A, Weber MR, Dennison D. (2014) Using Hospitality Coursework and Internships to Develop Student Leadership Abilities Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism. 14: 386-406
Crawford A. (2013) Hospitality operators' understanding of service: a qualitative approach International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 25: 65-81
Weber MR, Crawford A, Lee J(, et al. (2013) An Exploratory Analysis of Soft Skill Competencies Needed for the Hospitality Industry Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism. 12: 313-332
Crawford A. (2013) A Consulting Approach to Embedding Decision-Making Skills Into the Hospitality Curriculum Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism. 13: 30-51
Weber MR, Crawford A, Dennison D. (2012) North Carolina Human Resource Professionals' Perceptions of Soft Skill Competencies Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism. 11: 225-238
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