Kevin S. Milligan, Ph.D.

2001 University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
General Economics
"Kevin Milligan"


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Jack Mintz grad student 2001 University of Toronto
 (Empirical essays on behavioural responses to taxation.)
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Lemieux T, Milligan K, Schirle T, et al. (2020) Initial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Canadian labour market Canadian Public Policy-Analyse De Politiques. 46
Baker M, Gruber J, Milligan K. (2019) The Long-Run Impacts of a Universal Child Care Program American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 11: 1-26
Milligan K, Smart M. (2019) An Estimable Model of Income Redistribution in a Federation: Musgrave Meets Oates American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 11: 406-434
Jones LE, Milligan K, Stabile M. (2019) Child cash benefits and family expenditures: Evidence from the National Child Benefit Canadian Journal of Economics. 52: 1433-1463
Milligan KS, Schirle T. (2019) Push and Pull: Disability Insurance, Regional Labor Markets, and Benefit Generosity in Canada and the United States Journal of Labor Economics. 37: 289-323
Milligan K, Schirle T. (2018) The Evolution of Longevity: Evidence from Canada National Bureau of Economic Research
Milligan KS, Schirle T. (2018) The Labor Force Participation of Older Men in Canada National Bureau of Economic Research. 51-65
Coile C, Milligan KS, Wise DA. (2018) Social Security Programs and Retirement Around the World: Working Longer – Introduction and Summary National Bureau of Economic Research
Milligan K, Schirle T. (2018) Health and Capacity to Work of Older Canadians: Gender and Regional Dimensions Canadian Public Policy-Analyse De Politiques. 44: 159-172
Dahlby B, Milligan KS. (2017) From theory to practice: Canadian economists’ contributions to public finance Canadian Journal of Economics. 50: 1324-1347
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