Robert E. Hoskisson

University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United States 
Management Business Administration, Finance
"Robert Hoskisson"
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Kim H, Wu J, Schuler DA, et al. (2020) Chinese multinationals’ fast internationalization: Financial performance advantage in one region, disadvantage in another Journal of International Business Studies. 51: 1076-1106
Shi W, Connelly BL, Hoskisson RE, et al. (2019) Portfolio Spillover of Institutional Investor Activism: An Awareness-Motivation-Capability Perspective Academy of Management Journal
Shi W, Zhang YA, Hoskisson RE. (2019) Examination of CEO-CFO Social Interaction through Language Style Matching: Outcomes for the CFO and the Organization Academy of Management Journal. 62: 383-414
Gambeta E, Koka BR, Hoskisson RE. (2019) Being too good for your own good: A stakeholder perspective on the differential effect of firm‐employee relationships on innovation search Southern Medical Journal. 40: 108-126
Chen Z, Kale P, Hoskisson RE. (2018) Geographic overlap and acquisition pairing Southern Medical Journal. 39: 329-355
Shi W, Pathak S, Song LJ, et al. (2018) The Adoption of Chief Diversity Officers among S&P 500 Firms: Institutional, Resource Dependence, and Upper Echelons Accounts Human Resource Management. 57: 83-96
Hoskisson RE, Gambeta E, Green CD, et al. (2017) Is My Firm-Specific Investment Protected? Overcoming the Stakeholder Investment Dilemma in the Resource-Based View Academy of Management Review
Hoskisson RE, Chirico F, Zyung JD, et al. (2017) Managerial Risk Taking: A Multi-Theoretical Review and Future Research Agenda Journal of Management. 43: 137-169
Shi W, Zhang Y, Hoskisson RE. (2017) Ripple Effects of CEO Awards: Investigating the Acquisition Activities of Superstar CEOs’ Competitors Southern Medical Journal. 38: 2080-2102
Schuler DA, Shi W, Hoskisson RE, et al. (2017) Windfalls of emperors' sojourns: Stock market reactions to Chinese firms hosting high-ranking government officials Southern Medical Journal. 38: 1668-1687
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