James A. Roumasset

University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 
General Economics, Agricultural Economics
"James Roumasset"
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Ravago MV, Brucal AZ, Roumasset J, et al. (2019) The Role of Power Prices in Structural Transformation: Evidence from the Philippines Journal of Asian Economics. 61: 20-33
Ravago MV, Roumasset J, Jandoc K. (2015) Risk Management and Coping Strategies: Climate Change and Agriculture in the Philippines The Philippine Review of Economics. 53: 66-104
Roumasset J, Wada CA. (2015) Payments for Watershed Services as Adaptation to Climate Change: Upstream Conservation and Downstream Aquifer Management Water Economics and Policy. 1: 1450003
Kaiser BA, Roumasset JA. (2014) Transitional Forces in a Resource Based Economy: Phases of Economic and Institutional Development in Hawaii Review of Economics and Institutions. 5: 44
Burnett K, Endress L, Ravago ML, et al. (2014) Islands of Sustainability in Time and Space International Journal of Sustainable Society. 6: 9
Roumasset J, Wada CA. (2014) Energy, Backstop Endogeneity, and the Optimal Use of Groundwater American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 96: 1363-1371
Endress LH, Pongkijvorasin S, Roumasset J, et al. (2014) Intergenerational equity with individual impatience in a model of optimal and sustainable growth Resource and Energy Economics. 36: 620-635
Roumasset J, Wada CA. (2013) A Dynamic approach to PES pricing and finance for interlinked ecosystem services: Watershed conservation and groundwater management Ecological Economics. 87: 24-33
Roumasset JA, Wada CA. (2012) Ordering the extraction of renewable resources: The case of multiple aquifers Resource and Energy Economics. 34: 112-128
Roumasset J, Wada CA. (2011) Ordering Renewable Resources: Groundwater, Recycling, and Desalination B E Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy. 11: 1-29
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