John J. VanSickle

University of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, United States 
Agricultural Economics
"John VanSickle"
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Sapp AC, Nane GF, Amaya MP, et al. (2023) Estimates of disease burden caused by foodborne pathogens in contaminated dairy products in Rwanda. Bmc Public Health. 23: 657
Barrett CE, Zotarelli L, Paranhos LG, et al. (2018) Economic Feasibility of Converting from a Bare Ground System with Seepage Irrigation to Plasticulture for Cabbage Production: Where is the Risk? Hortscience. 53: 875-881
Barrett CE, Zotarelli L, Paranhos LG, et al. (2018) Optimization of irrigation and N-fertilizer strategies for cabbage plasticulture system Scientia Horticulturae. 234: 323-334
Asci S, Borisova T, VanSickle JJ. (2015) Role of economics in developing fertilizer best management practices Agricultural Water Management. 152: 251-261
Asci S, VanSickle JJ, Cantliffe DJ. (2014) Risk in Investment Decision Making and Greenhouse Tomato Production Expansion in Florida The International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 17: 1-26
Vorotnikova E, Borisova T, VanSickle JJ. (2014) Evaluation of the profitability of a new precision fungicide application system for strawberry production Agricultural Systems. 130: 77-88
Cox LA, Popken DA, VanSickle JJ, et al. (2005) Optimal tracking and testing of U.S. and Canadian herds for BSE: a value-of-information (VOI) approach. Risk Analysis : An Official Publication of the Society For Risk Analysis. 25: 827-40
Jovicich E, VanSickle JJ, Cantliffe DJ, et al. (2005) Greenhouse-grown Colored Peppers: A Profitable Alternative for Vegetable Production in Florida? Horttechnology. 15: 355-369
Jovicich E, VanSickle JJ, Cantliffe DJ, et al. (2005) Market of Colored Bell Peppers and an Estimated Profitability for the Production in Greenhouses in Florida Hortscience. 40: 1139-1139
VanSickle JJ, Evans EA, Emerson RD. (2003) U.S.-Canadian Tomato Wars: An Economist Tries to Make Sense Out of Recent Antidumping Suits Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. 35: 283-296
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