William C. Dunkelberg

Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
Commerce-Business Economics, General Economics
"William Dunkelberg"
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Chow MJ, Dunkelberg WC. (2019) Deregulation, tax policy, and certainty: foundations of the U.S. recovery Business Economics. 54: 211-225
Dunkelberg WC. (2015) Open Secret: The Global Banking Conspiracy That Swindled Investors Out of Billions Business Economics. 50: 109-110
Chow MJ, Dunkelberg WC. (2013) Small Business Borrowing and the Bifurcated Economy: Why Quantitative Easing Has Been Ineffective for Small Business Business Economics. 48: 214-223
Dunkelberg W, Moore C, Scott J, et al. (2013) Do entrepreneurial goals matter? Resource allocation in new owner-managed firms Journal of Business Venturing. 28: 225-240
Chow MJ, Dunkelberg WC. (2011) The Small Business Sector in Recent Recoveries Business Economics. 46: 214-228
Dunkelberg WC, Scott JA, Chow MJ. (2010) Inflexible Wages and Prices? Evidence in the Current Recession Business Economics. 45: 94-101
Scott JA, Dunkelberg WC. (2010) Competition for small firm banking business: Bank actions versus market structure Journal of Banking and Finance. 34: 2788-2800
Dunkelberg WC, Scott JA. (2009) The Response of Small Business Owners to Changes in Monetary Policy Business Economics. 44: 23-37
Dunkelberg WC, Scott JA. (2005) The “Output Gap” and Excess Labor Employment Business Economics. 40: 23-30
Scott JA, Dunkelberg WC. (2003) Bank Mergers and Small Firm Financing Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 35: 999-1017
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