K.R Subramanyam

Accounting University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States 
Accounting Business Administration, Finance
"K.R Subramanyam"


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Maria Ogneva grad student 2008 USC
Kara Wells grad student 2013 USC
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Liu AZ, Subramanyam KR, Zhang J, et al. (2018) Do Firms Manage Earnings to Influence Credit Ratings? Evidence from Negative Credit Watch Resolutions The Accounting Review. 93: 267-298
Erkens DH, Subramanyam KR, Zhang J. (2014) Affiliated Banker on Board and Conservative Accounting The Accounting Review. 89: 1703-1728
Mei C, Subramanyam KR. (2008) Analyst following and credit ratings Contemporary Accounting Research. 25
Ogneva M, Subramanyam KR, Raghunandan K. (2007) Internal Control Weakness and Cost of Equity: Evidence from SOX Section 404 Disclosures The Accounting Review. 82: 1255-1297
Subramanyam KR, Venkatachalam M. (2007) Earnings, cash flows, and ex post intrinsic value of equity Accounting Review. 82: 457-481
Hann RN, Lu YY, Subramanyam KR. (2007) Uniformity versus Flexibility: Evidence from Pricing of the Pension Obligation The Accounting Review. 82: 107-137
Ogneva M, Subramanyam KR. (2007) Does the Stock Market Underreact to Going Concern Opinions? Evidence from the U.S. and Australia Journal of Accounting and Economics. 43: 439-452
Hung M, Subramanyam KR. (2007) Financial statement effects of adopting international accounting standards: The case of Germany Review of Accounting Studies. 12: 623-657
Heflin F, Subramanyam KR, Zhang Y. (2003) Regulation FD and the Financial Information Environment: Early Evidence The Accounting Review. 78: 1-37
Tucker RR, Matsumura EM, Subramanyam KR. (2003) Going-Concern Judgments: An Experimental Test of the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy and Forecast Accuracy Journal of Accounting and Public Policy. 22: 401-432
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