Michel Benaroch

Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, United States 
Accounting Business Administration, Finance, Banking Business Administration, Information Technology
"Michel Benaroch"
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Benaroch M. (2018) Real Options Models for Proactive Uncertainty-Reducing Mitigations and Applications in Cybersecurity Investment Decision Making Information Systems Research. 29: 315-340
Benaroch M, Chernobai A. (2017) Operational IT failures, IT value destruction, and board-level IT governance changes Management Information Systems Quarterly. 41: 729-762
Benaroch M, Lichtenstein Y, Fink L. (2016) Contract design choices and the balance of ex ante and ex post transaction costs in software development outsourcing Management Information Systems Quarterly. 40: 57-82
Benaroch M, Webster ST, Kazaz B. (2012) Impact of sourcing flexibility on the outsourcing of services under demand uncertainty European Journal of Operational Research. 219: 272-283
Benaroch M, Chernobai A, Goldstein J. (2012) An Internal Control Perspective on the Market Value Consequences of IT Operational Risk Events International Journal of Accounting Information Systems. 13: 357-381
Benaroch M, Appari A. (2011) Pricing e-service quality risk in financial services Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. 10: 534-544
Benaroch M, Dai Q, Kauffman R. (2010) Should We Go Our Own Way? Backsourcing Flexibility in IT Services Contracts The Missouri Review. 26: 317-358
Benaroch M, Appari A. (2010) Financial Pricing of Software Development Risk Factors Ieee Software. 27: 65-73
Appari A, Benaroch M. (2010) Monetary pricing of software development risks: A method and empirical illustration Journal of Systems and Software. 83: 2098-2107
Benaroch M, Goldstein J. (2009) An Integrative Economic Optimization Approach to Systems Development Risk Management Ieee Transactions On Software Engineering. 35: 638-653
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