Kathleen A. Farley

Geography University of California, Santa Barbara and San Diego State University 
Geography, Environmental Sciences, Ecology Biology, Agricultural Economics
"Kathleen Farley"
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Bremer LL, Farley KA, DeMaagd N, et al. (2019) Biodiversity outcomes of payment for ecosystem services: lessons from páramo grasslands Biodiversity and Conservation. 28: 885-908
Farley KA, Bremer LL. (2017) “Water Is Life”: Local Perceptions of Páramo Grasslands and Land Management Strategies Associated with Payment for Ecosystem Services Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 107: 371-381
BREMER LL, FARLEY KA, CHADWICK OA, et al. (2016) Changes in carbon storage with land management promoted by payment for ecosystem services Environmental Conservation. 1-10
Ponette-González AG, Brauman KA, Marín-Spiotta E, et al. (2015) Managing water services in tropical regions: From land cover proxies to hydrologic fluxes. Ambio. 44: 367-75
Ponette-González AG, Marín-Spiotta E, Brauman KA, et al. (2014) Hydrologic connectivity in the high-elevation tropics: Heterogeneous responses to land change Bioscience. 64: 92-104
Bremer LL, Farley KA, Lopez-Carr D. (2014) What factors influence participation in payment for ecosystem services programs? An evaluation of Ecuador's SocioPáramo program Land Use Policy. 36: 122-133
Bremer LL, Farley KA, Lopez-Carr D, et al. (2014) Conservation and livelihood outcomes of payment for ecosystem services in the Ecuadorian Andes: What is the potential for 'win-win'? Ecosystem Services. 8: 148-165
Farley KA, Bremer LL, Harden CP, et al. (2013) Changes in carbon storage under alternative land uses in biodiverse Andean grasslands: implications for payment for ecosystem services Conservation Letters. 6: 21-27
Harden CP, Hartsig J, Farley KA, et al. (2013) Effects of Land-Use Change on Water in Andean Páramo Grassland Soils Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 103: 375-384
Farley KA, Ojeda-Revah L, Atkinson EE, et al. (2012) Changes in land use, land tenure, and landscape fragmentation in the Tijuana River Watershed following reform of the ejido sector Land Use Policy. 29: 187-197
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