Shawn Mobbs

Finance The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 
"Shawn Mobbs"
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Ellis JA, Guo L, Mobbs S. (2020) How Does Forced CEO Turnover Experience Affect Directors Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 1-29
Mobbs S. (2018) Firm CFO board membership and departures Journal of Corporate Finance. 51: 316-331
Mobbs S. (2015) Is an Outside Chair Always Better? The Role of Non-CEO Inside Chairs on Corporate Boards The Financial Review. 50: 547-574
Guo L, Lach P, Mobbs S. (2015) Tradeoffs between Internal and External Governance: Evidence from Exogenous Regulatory Shocks: Tradeoffs between Internal and External Governance Financial Management. 44: 81-114
Guo L, Lach PA, Mobbs S. (2014) Tradeoffs between Internal and External Governance: Evidence from Exogenous Regulatory Shocks Financial Management. 44: 81-114
Masulis RW, Mobbs S. (2014) Independent director incentives: Where do talented directors spend their limited time and energyα Journal of Financial Economics. 111: 406-429
Mobbs S. (2013) CEOs Under Fire: The Effects of Competition from Inside Directors on Forced CEO Turnover and CEO Compensation Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 48: 669-698
Mobbs S, Raheja CG. (2012) Internal managerial promotions: Insider incentives and CEO succession Journal of Corporate Finance. 18: 1337-1353
Masulis RW, Mobbs S. (2011) Are All Inside Directors the Same? Evidence from the External Directorship Market. Journal of Finance. 66: 823-872
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