Laurent Simula

Paris, EHESS 
"Laurent Simula"


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Alain Trannoy grad student 2007 Paris, EHESS
 (Imposition optimale sur le revenu, contraintes d'incitation, contraintes de participation)
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Selin H, Simula L. (2020) Income shifting as income creation Journal of Public Economics. 182: 104081
Blomquist S, Simula L. (2019) Marginal deadweight loss when the income tax is nonlinear Journal of Econometrics. 211: 47-60
Simula L, Trannoy A. (2018) Is high-skilled migration harmful to tax systems’ progressivity? The Iza World of Labor. 423-423
Lehmann E, Simula L, Trannoy A. (2014) Tax me if you can! Optimal Nonlinear Income Tax Between Competing Governments* The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 129: 1995-2030
Simula L, Trannoy A. (2011) Shall we keep the highly skilled at home? The optimal income tax perspective Social Choice and Welfare. 39: 751-782
Simula L, Trannoy A. (2010) Optimal income tax under the threat of migration by top-income earners Journal of Public Economics. 94: 163-173
Simula L. (2010) Optimal nonlinear income tax and nonlinear pricing: optimality conditions and comparative static properties Social Choice and Welfare. 35: 199-220
Simula L, Trannoy A. (2009) Taxe professionnelle, imposition des entreprises et coût d'usage du capital Revue D'éConomie Politique. 119: 677
Simula L, Trannoy A. (2006) L'impact du vote avec les pieds sur le barème d'imposition optimale du revenu Revue éConomique. 57: 517
Simula L, Trannoy A. (2006) Optimal Linear Income Tax when Agents Vote with their Feet Finanzarchiv. 62: 393
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