Steven G. McCafferty

University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV, United States 
Curriculum and Instruction Education, Elementary Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Language and Literature Education
"Steven McCafferty"
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Tian L, McCafferty SG. (2022) The Dynamic Interaction of Second Language Motivation and Emotional Experience: The Case of Chinese Learners of English. Frontiers in Psychology. 13: 905429
Tian L, McCafferty SG. (2020) Chinese international students’ multicultural identity and second language development: gesture awareness and use Language Awareness. 1-20
Iddings ACD, McCafferty SG, Da Silva MLT. (2011) Conscientizao through graffiti literacies in the streets of a so Paulo neighborhood: An ecosocial semiotic perspective Reading Research Quarterly. 46: 5-21
Peltier IN, McCafferty SG. (2010) Gesture and identity in the teaching and learning of Italian Mind, Culture, and Activity. 17: 331-349
McCafferty SG. (2008) Mimesis and second language acquisition: A sociocultural perspective Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 30: 147-167
Gullberg M, McCafferty SG. (2008) Introduction to Gesture and SLA: Toward an integrated approach Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 30: 133-146
DaSilva Iddings AC, McCafferty SG. (2007) Carnival in a mainstream kindergarten classroom: A Bakhtinian analysis of second language learners' off-task behaviors Modern Language Journal. 91: 31-44
Mccafferty SG. (2006) Gesture and the materialization of second language prosody Iral - International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. 44: 197-209
DaSilva Iddings AC, McCafferty SG. (2005) Language play and language learning: Creating zones of proximal development in a third-grade multilingual classroom Language in Use: Georgetown University Round Table On Languages and Linguistics Series. 112-122
McCafferty SG. (2004) Space for cognition: gesture and second language learning International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 14: 148-165
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