Sue Couch

Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 
Gerontology, Nursing, Education
"Sue Couch"
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Zhong Y(, Couch S, Blum SC. (2013) The Role of Hospitality Education in Women's Career Advancement: Responses From Students, Educators, and Industry Recruiters Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism. 13: 282-304
Zhong YG, Couch S, Blum SC. (2011) Factors Affecting Women's Career Advancement in the Hospitality Industry: Perceptions of Students, Educators and Industry Recruiters The Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education. 23: 5-13
Zhong Y, Couch S. (2007) Hospitality Students' Perceptions of Facilitators and Constraints Affecting Women's Career Advancement in the Hospitality Industry Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal. 35: 357-373
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