Laura E. Welfare, Ph.D.

2007 School of Education: Counseling and Educational Development The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC, United States 
Guidance and Counseling Education, Cognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Psychometrics Psychology
"Laura Welfare"


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L DiAnne Borders grad student 2007 The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
 (Counselor cognitive complexity: Instrument development and validation.)
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Borders LD, Welfare LE, Sackett CR, et al. (2017) New Supervisors' Struggles and Successes With Corrective Feedback Counselor Education and Supervision. 56: 208-224
Borders LD, Glosoff HL, Welfare LE, et al. (2014) Best Practices in Clinical Supervision: Evolution of a Counseling Specialty Clinical Supervisor. 33: 26-44
Greason PB, Welfare LE. (2013) The impact of mindfulness and meditation practice on client perceptions of common therapeutic factors Journal of Humanistic Counseling. 52: 235-253
Welfare LE, Farmer LB, Lile JJ. (2013) Empirical evidence for the importance of conceptualizing client strengths Journal of Humanistic Counseling. 52: 146-163
Farmer LB, Welfare LE, Burge PL. (2013) Counselor competence with lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients: Differences among practice settings Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development. 41: 194-209
Borders LD, Welfare LE, Greason PB, et al. (2012) Individual and triadic and group: Supervisee and supervisor perceptions of each modality Counselor Education and Supervision. 51: 281-295
Welfare LE, Sackett C, Moorefield-Lang H. (2011) Student-faculty collaborative research: A qualitative study of experiences with the authorship determination process Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning. 19: 179-198
Welfare LE, Sackett CR. (2011) The Authorship Determination Process in Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Journal of Counseling and Development. 89: 479-487
Welfare LE, Borders LD. (2010) The counselor cognitions questionnaire: Development and validation Clinical Supervisor. 29: 188-208
Welfare LE, Sackett CR. (2010) Authorship in Student-Faculty Collaborative Research: Perceptions of Current and Best Practices Journal of Academic Ethics. 8: 199-215
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