Margaret D. LeCompte

Education University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States 
Administration Education, Sociology of Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education
"Margaret LeCompte"


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Debra L. Holloway grad student 2001 CU Boulder
Ian K. MacGillivray grad student 2001 CU Boulder
Beth E. Krensky grad student 2002 CU Boulder
Catherine B. Miller grad student 2002 CU Boulder
Dorothy E. Aguilera grad student 2003 CU Boulder
Debra W. Menk grad student 2003 CU Boulder
Wendy H. Smith grad student 2003 CU Boulder
Ramona Y. Beal grad student 2007 CU Boulder
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Ludwig SA, LeCompte MD. (2015) Finding the contemporary in the traditional: Reassessing the impact of indigenous Maya and modern western pedagogies on identity and self Educacao E Pesquisa. 41: 1173-1190
LeCompte MD, Klingner JK, Campbell SA, et al. (2003) Review of Educational Research: Editors' introduction Review of Educational Research. 73: 123-124
LeCompte MD. (2002) The transformation of ethnographic practice: past and current challenges Qualitative Research. 2: 283-299
Holloway DL, Lecompte MD. (2001) Becoming somebody! How arts programs support positive identity for middle school girls Education and Urban Society. 33: 388-408
Vadeboncoeur JA, Rahm J, Aguilera D, et al. (1996) Building democratic character through community experiences in teacher education Education and Urban Society. 28: 189-207
Lecompte MD. (1994) Sensible matchmaking: Qualitative research design and the program evaluation standards Journal of Experimental Education. 63: 29-43
LeCompte MD. (1993) The Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education Contemporary Sociology. 22: 290
LeCompte MD. (1987) Bias in the Biography: Bias and Subjectivity in Ethnographic Research Anthropology & Education Quarterly. 18: 43-52
LeCompte MD. (1985) Defining the differences: Cultural subgroups within the educational mainstream The Urban Review. 17: 111-127
Lecompte Md, Goetz JP. (1982) Ethnographic Data Collection in Evaluation Research Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. 4: 387-400
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