John M. Ritz

Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, United States 
Vocational Education, Education
"John Ritz"
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Kosloski MF, Ritz JM. (2016) Research Needs: Career and Technical Education. Career and Technical Education Research. 41: 117-140
Enderson MC, Ritz J. (2016) STEM in General Education: Does Mathematics Competence Influence Course Selection The Journal of Technology Studies. 42: 30
Kosloski MF, Ritz JM. (2014) DECA Membership and Its Effect on Grade Point Average as an Indicator of Academic Success Career and Technical Education Research. 39: 151-169
Ritz JM, Fan SC. (2014) STEM and technology education: international state-of-the-art International Journal of Technology and Design Education. 25: 429-451
Ritz JM, Martin G. (2013) Research needs for technology education: An international perspective International Journal of Technology and Design Education. 23: 767-783
Ritz JM. (2011) A Focus on Technological Literacy in Higher Education The Journal of Technology Studies. 37: 31
Ritz JM. (2009) A new generation of goals for technology education Journal of Technology Education. 20: 50-64
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