Sharon J. Derry

Educational Psychology University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
Technology of Education, Evaluation Education, Design and Decorative Arts
"Sharon Derry"
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Derry SJ, Sherin MG, Sherin BL. (2014) Multimedia learning with video The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning, Second Edition. 785-812
Goldman R, Zahn C, Derry SJ. (2014) Frontiers of digital video research in the learning sciences: Mapping the terrain The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences, Second Edition. 213-232
Derry SJ, Hackbarth AJ, Puntambekar S, et al. (2014) Cyberinfrastructure for design-based research: Toward a community of practice for learning scientists Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Icls. 3: 1315-1322
Gressick J, Derry SJ. (2014) Adventures in argument: Training in argumentation influences student resource use in collaborative meaning making Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Icls. 1: 370-377
Gressick J, Derry SJ. (2013) The influence of training in argumentation on students' individual learning outcomes Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, Cscl. 2: 38-41
Hackbarth AJ, Derry SJ, Puntambekar S. (2013) From data sharing to data mining: A collaborative project to create cyber-infrastructure to support and improve design based research in the learning sciences Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, Cscl. 2: 441-445
Derry SJ, Pea RD, Barron B, et al. (2010) Conducting video research in the learning sciences: Guidance on selection, analysis, technology, and ethics Journal of the Learning Sciences. 19: 3-53
Gressick J, Derry SJ. (2010) Distributed leadership in online groups International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. 5: 211-236
Hmelo-Silver CE, Maher CA, Agnew G, et al. (2010) The video mosaic: Design and preliminary research Learning in the Disciplines: Icls 2010 Conference Proceedings - 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. 2: 425-426
Hackbarth AJ, Derry SJ, Eagan BR, et al. (2010) Adapting workflow technology to design-based research: Development of a method for organizing the "messiness" of research in technology-rich online learning environments Learning in the Disciplines: Icls 2010 Conference Proceedings - 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. 1: 667-674
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