Victoria V. Buchan

Education (School of ) Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 
Social Work, Adult and Continuing Education, Higher Education
"Victoria Buchan"
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Rodenhiser RW, Buchan VV, Hull GH, et al. (2007) Assessment of Social Work Program Objectives: The Baccalaureate Educational Assessment Project The Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work. 13: 100-114
Buchan V, Rodenhiser R, Hull G, et al. (2004) Evaluating an Assessment Tool for Undergraduate Social Work Education: Analysis of the Baccalaureate Educational Assessment Package Journal of Social Work Education. 40: 239-253
Buchan VV. (1991) To assess or not to assess is no longer the question: Potential of program monitoring Journal of Social Work Education. 27: 25-33
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