Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski

Educational Leadership Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, United States 
Leadership Education
"Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski"
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Barakat M, Maslin-Ostrowski P. (2019) Ripples of hope: leading educational change for equity in Egypt’s public schools International Journal of Leadership in Education. 1-25
Maslin-Ostrowski P, Drago-Severson E, Ferguson J, et al. (2018) An Innovative International Community Engagement Approach: Story Circles as Catalysts for Transformative Learning Journal of Transformative Education. 16: 130-150
Drago-Severson E, Maslin-Ostrowski P, Blum-Destefano J. (2018) Looking behind the Curtain: Principals' Internal Experiences of Managing Pressing Challenges The Journal of School Leadership. 28: 315-343
Bader D, Salinas C, Maslin-Ostrowski P. (2017) Using the Wisdom Development Theory to Conceptualize Student Professionalism Development in Community Colleges Community College Journal of Research and Practice. 41: 329-332
Maslin-Ostrowski P, Drago-Severson E. (2014) Leading and learning in the digital age: Framing and understanding school leader challenges Handbook of Research On Education and Technology in a Changing Society. 651-664
Drago-Severson E, Maslin-Ostrowski P, Hoffman AM. (2013) In One Voice: Aspiring and Practicing School Leaders Embrace the Need for a More Integrated Approach to Leadership Preparation and Development International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology. 4: 55-73
Maslin-Ostrowski P, Drago-Severson E. (2013) Learning to lead in the midst of complex times: A window into the nature of school leaders' work challenges Handbook of Research On Teaching and Learning in K-20 Education. 33-49
Floyd DL, Maslin-Ostrowski P. (2013) Leaving a Community College Presidency: The Inevitable Career Transition Community College Journal of Research and Practice. 37: 242-246
Drago-Severson E, Maslin-Ostrowski P, Hoffman AM. (2012) Resisting Fragmentation: Calling for a Holistic Approach to Professional Practice and Preparation for Educational Leaders. Journal of Research On Leadership Education. 7: 44-77
Maslin-Ostrowski P, Floyd DL. (2012) When the Time Comes for the Community College President to Step Aside: Daunting Realities of Leading Community College Journal of Research and Practice. 36: 291-299
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