Andrew H. Hawkins

Education West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, United States 
Physical Education, Technology of Education
"Andrew Hawkins"
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Stapleton D, Hawkins A. (2015) Single-Case Research Design: An Alternative Strategy for Evidence-Based Practice. Athletic Training Education Journal. 10: 256-266
Hawkins A. (2010) Back to the Future: Leadership, Tradition, and Authority in a Post-Critical Age. Quest. 62: 237-249
Pritchard T, Hawkins A, Wiegand R, et al. (2008) Effects of two instructional approaches on skill development, knowledge, and game performance Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science. 12: 219-236
Hawkins A. (2008) Pragmatism, Purpose, and Play: Struggle for the Soul of Physical Education Quest. 60: 345-356
Sharpe T, Hawkins A. (1998) Technology and the Information Age: A Cautionary Tale for Higher Education Quest. 50: 19-32
Sharpe T, Hawkins AH, Lounsbery M. (1998) Using technology to study human interaction: Practice and implications of a sequential behavior approach Quest. 50: 389-401
Sharpe T, Hawkins AH, Ray RD. (1995) Interbehavioral field systems assessment: Examining its utility in preservice teacher education Journal of Behavioral Education. 5: 259-279
Sharpe TL, Hawkins A. (1993) The Implications of Field Systems for Teacher Education Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 12: 76-84
Sharpe T, Hawkins A. (1993) Behavioral field systems evaluation in movement education classrooms: Practice and implications Studies in Educational Evaluation. 19: 327-346
Sharpe T, Hawkins A. (1992) Field Systems Analysis: Prioritizing Patterns in Time and Context Among Observable Variables Quest. 44: 15-34
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