Tracy A. Bradfield, Ph.D.

2009 Educational Psychology University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Educational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education
"Tracy Bradfield"


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Scott McConnell grad student 2009 UMN
 (General outcome measures of beginning handwriting development.)
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Wackerle-Hollman AK, Schmitt BA, Bradfield TA, et al. (2015) Redefining Individual Growth and Development Indicators: Phonological Awareness. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 48: 495-510
Wackerle-Hollman AK, Rodriguez MI, Bradfield TA, et al. (2015) Development of early measures of comprehension: Innovation in individual growth and development indicators Assessment For Effective Intervention. 40: 81-95
Greenwood CR, Bradfield T, Kaminski R, et al. (2011) The response to intervention (RTI) approach in early childhood Focus On Exceptional Children. 43: 1-22
Petursdottir AL, McMaster K, McComas JJ, et al. (2009) Brief experimental analysis of early reading interventions. Journal of School Psychology. 47: 215-43
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