David S. Mayrowetz, Ed.D.

2002 Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States 
Administration Education, Mathematics Education, Special Education
"David Mayrowetz"


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William Firestone grad student 2002 Rutgers, New Brunswick
 (The consequences of policy interactions: Standards -inspired mathematics instruction in inclusive elementary classrooms.)
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Superfine BM, Umpstead RR, Mayrowetz D, et al. (2018) Science and Politics in Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association Educational Policy. 32: 211-233
Lenhoff SW, Pogodzinski B, Mayrowetz D, et al. (2017) District stressors and teacher evaluation ratings Journal of Educational Administration. 56: 146-160
Mayrowetz D. (2009) Instructional Practice in the Context of Converging Policies: Teaching Mathematics in Inclusive Elementary Classrooms in the Standards Reform Era. Educational Policy. 23: 554-588
Murphy J, Smylie M, Mayrowetz D, et al. (2009) The role of the principal in fostering the development of distributed leadership School Leadership and Management. 29: 181-214
Mayrowetz D, Lapham J. (2008) "But We're in a Court of Law. We're Not in a Legislature.": The Promise and Pitfalls of Educational Policy Reform through the Judicial Branch. Educational Policy. 22: 379-421
Mayrowetz D. (2008) Making Sense of Distributed Leadership: Exploring the Multiple Usages of the Concept in the Field Educational Administration Quarterly. 44: 424-435
Smylie MA, Mayrowetz D, Murphy J, et al. (2007) Trust and the Development of Distributed Leadership. The Journal of School Leadership. 17: 469-503
Mayrowetz D, Murphy J, Louis KS, et al. (2007) Distributed Leadership as Work Redesign: Retrofitting the Job Characteristics Model. Leadership and Policy in Schools. 6: 69-101
Mayrowetz D, Price J. (2005) Contested Territory: Parents and Teachers Wrestle for Power in an Urban Neighborhood School Located Within a Gentrifying Community Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership. 8: 72-87
Mayrowetz D, Smylie MA. (2005) Work Redesign that Works for Teachers Yearbook of the National Society For the Study of Education. 103: 274-302
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