Stephen D. Whitney

Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology University of Missouri - Columbia, Columbia, MO, United States 
Educational Psychology Education
"Stephen Whitney"
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Whitney SD, Asigbee FM, Jones S, et al. (2020) Student self-reported motivation and teacher-rated engagement as predictors of mathematics achievement by sex and SES in a U.S. sample Australian Educational Researcher. 47: 323-338
Whitney SD, Bergin DA. (2018) Students' Motivation and Engagement Predict Reading Achievement Differently by Ethnic Group. The Journal of Genetic Psychology. 1-14
Asigbee FM, Whitney SD, Peterson CE. (2018) The Link Between Nutrition and Physical Activity in Increasing Academic Achievement. The Journal of School Health. 88: 407-415
Whitney SD, Prewett S, Wang Z, et al. (2018) Fathers’ Importance In Adolescents’ Academic Achievement International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies. 8: 101-126
Pate CM, Maras MA, Whitney SD, et al. (2017) Exploring Psychosocial Mechanisms and Interactions: Links Between Adolescent Emotional Distress, School Connectedness, and Educational Achievement. School Mental Health. 9: 28-43
Renner LM, Whitney SD, Vasquez M. (2015) Individual and interpersonal risk factors for physical intimate partner violence perpetration by biological sex and ethnicity. Violence and Victims. 30: 97-119
Mafuvadze B, Manguvo A, He J, et al. (2013) Breast Cancer Knowledge and Awareness among High School and College Students in Mid-Western USA International Journal of Science Education, Part B. 3: 144-158
Renner LM, Whitney SD. (2012) Risk factors for unidirectional and bidirectional intimate partner violence among young adults. Child Abuse & Neglect. 36: 40-52
Mafuvadze B, Manguvo A, He J, et al. (2012) Abstract 4460: Breast cancer knowledge and awareness among high school and college students in mid-Western USA Cancer Research. 72: 4460-4460
Whitney SD, Hendricker EN, Offutt CA. (2011) Moderating factors of natural mentoring relationships, problem behaviors, and emotional well-being Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning. 19: 83-105
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