Christopher J. Lemons

Education University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States 
Special Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education
"Christopher Lemons"
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Lindström ER, Lemons CJ. (2021) Teaching Reading to Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: An Observation Study. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 115: 103990
Wanzek J, Otaiba SA, Petscher Y, et al. (2020) Comparing the Effects of Reading Intervention Versus Reading and Mindset Intervention for Upper Elementary Students With Reading Difficulties. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 22219420949281
Sinclair AC, Gesel SA, LeJeune LM, et al. (2020) A Review of the Evidence for Real-Time Performance Feedback to Improve Instructional Practice: Journal of Special Education. 54: 90-100
King SA, Lemons CJ, Davidson KA, et al. (2020) Reading Instruction for Children with down Syndrome: Extending Research on Behavioral Phenotype Aligned Interventions Exceptionality. 1-17
Reichow B, Lemons CJ, Maggin DM, et al. (2019) Beginning reading interventions for children and adolescents with intellectual disability. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 12: CD011359
Lemons CJ, Toste JR. (2019) Professional Development and Coaching: Addressing the “Last Mile” Problem in Educational Research: Assessment For Effective Intervention. 44: 300-304
Sinclair AC, Gesel SA, Lemons CJ. (2019) The Effects of Peer-Assisted Learning on Disruptive Behavior and Academic Engagement: Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions. 21: 238-248
Gesel SA, LeJeune LM, Lemons CJ. (2019) Teaching Phonological Awareness to Preschoolers with Down Syndrome: Boosting Reading Readiness: Young Exceptional Children. 109625061986595
Lindström ER, Gesel SA, Lemons CJ. (2019) Data-Based Individualization in Reading: Tips for Successful Implementation. Intervention in School and Clinic. 55: 113-119
Lemons CJ, King SA, Davidson KA, et al. (2018) Personalized reading intervention for children with Down syndrome. Journal of School Psychology. 66: 67-84
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