Kelly D. Bradley

Educational Policy and Evaluation University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 
Tests and Measurements Education, Continuing Education, Higher Education, Sociology of Education
"Kelly Bradley"
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Liu R, Bradley KD. (2021) Differential Item Functioning Among English Language Learners on a Large-Scale Mathematics Assessment. Frontiers in Psychology. 12: 657335
Yang H, Su J, Bradley KD. (2020) Applying the Rasch Model to Evaluate the Self-Directed Online Learning Scale (SDOLS) for Graduate Students The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. 21
Bliss KT, Mensah R, Bradley KD, et al. (2018) Using a Transactional Model and Thematic Analysis to Evaluate a Minority Male Student Success Initiative to Improve Participants’ Campus Experience and Retention International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education. 5: 713-730
Liu R, Sun L, Yuan J, et al. (2017) Using the 2006 PISA Questionaire to Evaluate the Measure of Educational Resources: A Rasch Measurement Approach International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education. 4: 211-222
Setari AP, Bradley K. (2017) Determining the Measurement Quality of a Montessori High School Teacher Evaluation Survey Journal of Montessori Research. 3: 30
Springer DG, Bradley KD. (2017) Investigating adjudicator bias in concert band evaluations: An application of the Many-Facets Rasch Model Musicae Scientiae. 22: 377-393
Bradley KD, Peabody MR, Mensah RK. (2016) Applying the Many-Facet Rasch Measurement Model to Explore Reviewer Ratings of Conference Proposals. Journal of Applied Measurement. 17: 283-292
Bradley KD, Peabody M, Sampson SO. (2016) Quality Control in Survey Design: Evaluating a Survey of Educators’ Attitudes Concerning Differentiated Compensation International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education. 2: 3-21
Setari AP, Lee J, Bradley KD. (2016) A psychometric approach to the validation of a student evaluation of teaching instrument Studies in Educational Evaluation. 51: 77-87
Jung LA, Bradley KD, Sampson SO, et al. (2015) Evaluating construct validity and internal consistency of early childhood individualized family service plans Studies in Educational Evaluation. 45: 10-16
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