Fred Danner

Educational Psychology University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 
Educational Psychology Education
"Fred Danner"
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Cardom R, Rostosky S, Danner F. (2013) Does "it get better" for depressed sexual minority youth in young adulthood? The Journal of Adolescent Health : Official Publication of the Society For Adolescent Medicine. 53: 671-3
DiClemente RJ, Sales JM, Danner F, et al. (2011) Association between sexually transmitted diseases and young adults' self-reported abstinence. Pediatrics. 127: 208-13
Rostosky SS, Danner F, Riggle ED. (2010) Religiosity as a Protective Factor against Heavy Episodic Drinking (HED) in Heterosexual, Bisexual, Gay, and Lesbian Young Adults. Journal of Homosexuality. 57: 1039-50
Riggle ED, Rostosky SS, Danner F. (2009) LGB identity and eudaimonic well being in midlife. Journal of Homosexuality. 56: 786-98
Crosby RA, Danner F. (2008) Adolescents' sexually transmitted disease protective attitudes predict sexually transmitted disease acquisition in early adulthood. The Journal of School Health. 78: 310-3
Rostosky SS, Danner F, Riggle EDB. (2008) Religiosity and alcohol use in sexual minority and heterosexual youth and young adults Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 37: 552-563
Rostosky SS, Danner F, Riggle ED. (2007) Is religiosity a protective factor against substance use in young adulthood? Only if you're straight! The Journal of Adolescent Health : Official Publication of the Society For Adolescent Medicine. 40: 440-7
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