Tanetha Grosland

Education and Urban Studies Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD, United States 
Policy Education, Black Studies, African American Studies
"Tanetha Grosland"
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Matias CE, Grosland TJ. (2016) Digital Storytelling as Racial Justice: Digital Hopes for Deconstructing Whiteness in Teacher Education Journal of Teacher Education. 67: 152-164
Sheppard M, Katz D, Grosland T. (2015) Conceptualizing emotions in social studies education Theory and Research in Social Education. 43: 147-178
Grosland TJ. (2013) An Examination of the Role of Emotions in Antiracist Pedagogy: Implications, Scholarship, and Practices Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies. 35: 319-332
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