Mary C. McMackin

School of Education Lesley University 
Leadership Education, Sciences Education, Administration Education
"Mary McMackin"
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McMackin MC, Rauchwerk S, Cambone J, et al. (2013) Lesley University: Preparing urban teachers: Working outside the university box Phi Delta Kappan. 94: 24
Bogard JM, Mcmackin MC. (2012) Combining traditional and new literacies in a 21st-century writing workshop Reading Teacher. 65: 313-323
McMackin MC, Witherell NL. (2005) Different routes to the same destination: Drawing conclusions with tiered graphic organizers Reading Teacher. 59: 242-252
Mcmackin MC, Decola C, Feley J, et al. (1998) Learning deliberately about portfolio assessment Educational Action Research. 6: 413-426
McMackin MC. (1994) How Teachers and Students View the Task of Report Writing The Clearing House. 68: 107-110
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