Summer F. Odom

Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States 
Social Sciences Education, Agricultural Education
"Summer Odom"
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Odom S, Bianchi A. (2023) Implementation of a STI risk behavior reduction program for university students. Journal of American College Health : J of Ach. 1-5
Dunn AL, Odom SF. (2019) The Motivation and Intent toward Leadership and Entrepreneurship of Undergraduate Students Enrolled in Academic Leadership Programs. The Journal of Leadership Education. 18: 132-149
McKee VL, Odom SF, Moore LL, et al. (2016) Impacts of an Agricultural Leadership Extension Program for County Officials. Journal of Agricultural Education. 57: 202-216
Murphrey TP, Odom SF, Sledd J. (2016) An Examination of University Agricultural Education Faculty Attitudes toward the Implementation of High Impact Learning Experiences Journal of Agricultural Education. 57: 162-179
Dunn A, Ho S, Odom S, et al. (2016) Influence of Formal Academic Leadership Programs on Undergraduates' Leadership Mindset: An Assessment of a Corps of Cadets Program The Journal of Leadership Education. 15: 57-74
Odom SF, Ho SP, Moore LL. (2015) An Examination of the Outcomes of the Undergraduate Leadership Teaching Assistant (ULTA) Experience as a High-Impact Practice in Leadership Education. The Journal of Leadership Education. 14: 100-117
Burbank M, Odom SF, Sandlin MR. (2015) A Content Analysis of Undergraduate Students' Perceived Reasons for Changes in Personal Leadership Behaviors The Journal of Leadership Education. 14: 182-197
Ho SP, Odom SF. (2015) Mindsets of Leadership Education Undergraduates: An Approach to Program Assessment The Journal of Leadership Education. 13: 92-106
Odom SF, Ho SP, Moore LL. (2014) The Undergraduate Leadership Teaching Assistant (ULTA): A High-Impact Practice for Undergraduates Studying Leadership The Journal of Leadership Education. 13: 152-161
Moore LL, Odom SF, Moore KT. (2013) What a Degree in Agricultural Leadership Really Means: Exploring Student Conceptualizations. Journal of Agricultural Education. 54: 1-12
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